
This i found on the internet,whoever wrote this,i just appreciate that

Dispel the myths about bosnian females
A lot has been written about on the web both positive and negative. However, a lot of this is rooted in opinions rather than facts. Even people from yugoslavia are partial and bias about their own society. They lose the objectivity, that a foreigner who studies the culture honestly might have. By the end of this post you will have information what other people do not take into account when they are trying to meet or chat with bosnien women.
Bosnian are not easy – They are normal girls who want to get married.
Bosnian girls are not looking for a sugar daddy – Just because a country is poor do not assume. I would say you have more chance of being taken to the cleaners by a western girls who files for divorce. You can read a little more about the economics of Bosnia below.
Bosnian women are not unintelligent – I think most girls I met have a University education, largely because of the legacy of communism providing education. This is in contrast to the UK and the USA which has about 11% of our students going to University. I have noticed yugoslavians tend to gravitate towards creative fields slightly more than the adjacent countries.
BiH - Amazing countryside with natural food grown and down to earth friendly people.

Bosnian women chating away on their cell phones. In Bosnia only people in the villages really use landline, everyone uses mobile phones. So get your right thumb in condition for texting SMS.
The key to understanding bosnian women
Bosnians have three themes in their culture which has influenced the individuals living there.
1. Spiritual depth – The youth might rebel or talk about some country priest who says unenlightened things during the service, but at their center they are Orthodox.
2. Greatness in their historical past – Yugoslavia was a regional superpower for hundreds of years with a rich culture.
3. Economic hardship – What can I say, on one hand they are EU but on the other hand wages paid are not up to par with what the talent is worth in any major city in Eastern Europe. My message is try to be an entrepreneur with intellectual capital, but that is another subject.
If you want to skip this you can go directly to this section How to win a bosnian women
Spiritual side of bosnian women
Most bosnians do not use their faith to ‘show up’. They believe because they believe and feel that in this life, there is more than just material goods and hyper consumption. Their ideal prince is not only their champion in the traditional sense but has a real spiritual connection, their other half.
Someone they can have a church wedding with. Someone who will raise their children in the faith. Someone who when times are hard will unite in prayer with the. They are not looking for good times and stupid egotistical western guys. Bosnian women are looking for real.
Greatness of the past and bosnian ladies
As an American and EU citizen I can vouch that the EU is a great place to live. Almost every EU citizen can work and live anywhere in Europe from Mostar,BiH to the UK. The country had a lot of interesting history and it has beautiful landscapes with some of the best rock climbing and beaches in Europe.
So if you think you are so cool and flash your cash at a bosnian girl and she will marry you, think again.Bosnian girls are not shallow Western girls.
Economics of bosnian women
Bosnian economy is quite good now, with textiles and IT leading the charge. I personally look to BiH to do business as the people there are bright and educated.
I will not deny that some yugoslavien girls have sold their bodies for money. These types of working girls is an  issue in Romania like it is in Dubai, or Istanbul or China or NYC or London.
It is not a bosnian women’s problem but a human issue. Americans women do this also, in fact think of the ridiculous the number of congressman and ‘VIPs” in the US that are caught in this. I am not saying this type of work  is right or wrong, just saying it is a reality. Since people look to examples instead of the rule, some foreigner will see a couple of bosnians at a club in Dubai and make the assumption this is the way it is in BiH. Wrong, it is not this way. Try taking a trip to Sarajevo or any village you will not see this. I have seen girls from every country behave this way.
It is certainly wrong if you are married or the women are young, it is a sin. But some 24-year-old bosnian students, for example, might go to Istanbul, Turkey or Dubai UAE to because women lack the self-confidence that they can support themselves in other ways for their education, it is not something that is too wise but I understand it.
Bosnian girls that are young are often naive and tempted into selling themselves into prostitution  because of their economic situation. My take on this is if somewhere their ideals were lost, but with all people they can be restored. There is not much we can do about the past. But we can have redemption.
I should not even write about this but I did because I want to dispel the idea that this is yugoslavien culture as a whole. It is not more than the culture is in the USA or anywhere else. Get it out of your brain.
Economics of BiH
Most professional people in Bosnia make less than 1,000 Euro a month, the average is much lower maybe 300 Euro a month.  However, this has to be balanced with the fact things are very cheap. People will complain how pricey flats are etc, but compared to Boston or London, the whole country is a great place to live price wise. If you make 1,000 Euro a month you are doing great and can afford to fix up a flat that grandpa gave you and have a car and you might be 30 years old. In contrast in the USA we have huge, like 100,000 dollars connected with our educations. Even though we are paid more, we have different costs.
Further, if you are Bosnia you can go to the UK work as an EU citizen and come back to the countryside and build a house, taking advantage of the purchasing power different. People build their homes with cash in Bosnia. If you are American you can not go work somewhere richer and pay cash for a hosue. Further, Westerners have many implicit economic needs, they have expectations about wealth and money. Whereas five bosnian guys can go on a cheap flight to London, live in a small flat save money for five years and come back rich. I can not see a western doing that. It is called the yugoslavian advantage.
Even I have this a little, I can live in the USA without a TV nor car and stash my money away. Most Americans are not so frugal and prefer credit. Look how Brits came to Bosnia bid up the prices of housing and now it is too high. This is the west.
So I did not mean to go on a tanget but I wanted to explain some basic things about how Bosnian girls must exist, good and bad economically.

Beautiful bosnian women - in muslim style
How to win the heart of a bosnian woman
Based on the above about the faith, history and economics of bosnia you have to admit they are hot.
But the paradox is as follows. To win the heart of bosnian women for love and for you to be your bride you have to be not rich, but wise. Not egotistical, but humble is more. Speak very calmly and softly about thing of their culture and language and history and literature. Talk about what you really believe life to be.
Keep it real and make your words match your ideas and courage, that is if you have any. Do not flash money or impress them with your Resume or nice car or other crude things, this will work with ‘new wave’ girls, but these are not the one you want. You want a beautiful dark, mysterious, humble bosnian women from the countryside with dreams and ideals.
Dream Eastern European princesses
Then together you can make the moon appear in the sky and the stars shine at night. Rich or poor, beautiful or ugly she will love you for who you are and you will live happily ever after. I have traveled the world and seen and experienced many things, good and bad and I know what I am talking about.
As a result of this purgatory I gained some insights for what it is worth. I am very happily married by the way and living a fairy-tale with my princess.


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