
the most wanted sense...the 6th sense

Why do we actually have senses?Why do we hear, why do we see, why do we feel touch, why do we recognize flavors?And why even the last one, called the 6th was given to us too?Instinct?What is this sense for if it isnt based on anything but emotion?Why do we need this last one if we already have 5 straight ones, which can lead us perfectly where we want to.Because the five first ones show us or let us feel exact emotion and flavors.So we can make the decisions.And we can compare,its not just a feeling.My question is why instinct usually won, even tho we kno how it all taste or smell or feel we end up giving the power of the final decision to the instinct??
Classic situation, Snow White got an apple which smell exactly like apples used to smell, it looked like an apple used to look like, when she tasted it tasted like the sweet flavor she used to enjoyed times before,just make the story shorter, simply it was ordinary apple.But if she would have used her 6th sense she could have   save her from the drama she got in.I mean if she would think and let the sixth sense work it would have told her that everything seems too perfect to be true.But on the other hand what the sixth sense was the fact, she realized all above and she felt she have to put herself thru all that to gain the final reward.To get to the right end.And she just has felt this is the right part to happen,what if?
Senses are supposed to lead us and tell us but they are not suppose to make the decisions for us.They not suppose make the decisions if its right or not.And to me this senses are suppose to lead us to the final and the most important, to someone underestimated tho, instinct.Because everything is not exactly the way it taste,it looks or feels.You know, there is a question running my mind,how come we all have the same senses and still we perceive them differently.How come that for me is the sea view is the most chill and relaxing feeling and the touch of the salt water on my skin is wonderfull sense of excitment and safety in the same moment why the smell of salt water unbounded space gives me take a deep breath.And this all happening even tho i know and i realize how strange and dangerous the unbounded water can be, even though my instinct says that so much beauty can bring so much pain and thats why i still have the distance and respect.
And the same situation with the ocean and salt water brings completely different feelings?How come for my lil cousin is view of the same sea absolutely fearsome, touch salt water stings her like a swarm of bees, and the salty taste makes her throw up.Just the smell of the sea, Just the smell of the sea it is put into uncertainty,
and yet by her sixth sense says that it may be only an illusion, only a game with her mind...because over all she get up every morning and goes to build a lil castle on the shore.
And we can get a billion point of views and none will be the same or common.And everyone keep asking ..WHY? And everyone calls it different.Let them, its their right.
Just think about this, Some are born without senses and still have them, they had dreams that have.I ve read about it, so here is the proof we all have them.But how we can trust our senses when some of us are just dreaming them, and thats why im saying the only real one is the most underestimate one.INSTINCT.
People keep saying that if they cant see god, he just simply doesnt exist, because they dont feel the love on the skin, it doesnt exist, because they cant smell respect,it doesnt exist.Simply as that,huh...But what if i say this.
I see god and you prove me im wrong now.
For you is a pear without a flavor, to me is such a sweet in the pear taste,prove me im wrong now!
Oh,you dont feel love on your skin?
How many times have you heard before that love hurts?And that love broke my heart?Well,i suppose you felt love?havent you?
I cant smell respect?And what if i say self-praise stinks, too much self respect stinks !
Moment cant be taste?it doesnt have flavor?And what if they say, who havent taste revenge dont know how it taste.And how it taste?Well,i heard they say, the revenge is sweet.
He heard the grass grow, might not be true but honestly we hear things we dont even realize,so pleaseee...
Eventually for these paradoxes instinct leads us.Instinct isnt either god or bad, doesnt have any colour, shape or it isnt either bitter or sweet, smooth or rough, its odorless and still the only and real one.Its ours and gives us a choice, uniqueness and endless possibilities, a sense of importance!!!!!!Instinct is something what determines our taste, smell, feel and sound of life.nothing is as it seems but as I want it to look because it's my life and my sense.


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